Azure IoT News is here for one more month! Let's take a look at the news of September 2021 together. Week 1-5/9 šø The first news is about Windows Server IoT 2022. Windows Server IoT 2022 is now generally available and is designed to support fixed appliances in large-scale compute connections or...
Tag: english
Selected to participate in the virtual Grace Hopper Celebration

I am so excited that I am selected to take part in the virtual Grace Hopper Celebration (vGHC) 2021 via sponsorship from the Microsoft Student Advocacy team! Thank you, Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors program, for this opportunity that you gave...
SNF Nostos Hackathon Greece 2021

SNF Nostos in collaboration with Microsoft are organizing the first SNF Nostos Hackathon! And I will be one of the tutors! If you are a student join us, as the SNF Nostos Hackathon is designed for everyone who wants to participate, from seasoned coders to those with no prior experience. All you need is a computer, Wi-Fi connectivity and some concentration! It includes two events: SNF Nostos Hackathon 101: Life Reprogrammed ā Enhancing Our Humanity in the Digital Age 25, 26, 27 August, 09:00 - 17:00 You can register at the latest 24 hours before.The event will be conducted in English.Read the details of the event here.Register here. SNF Nostos Coder Hackathon: Humanizing Technology - Enhancing Our Humanity in the Digital Age 28, 29 August, 09:00 - 17:00 You can register at the latest 24 hours before.The event will be conducted in English.Read the details of the event here.Register here. Register today to participate, play, learn and win amazing prizes! More details here:
Azure IoT News – August 2021 by Think About IoT

Azure IoT News is here, in this blog, for the first time! I decided to inform you about Azure updates in the field of IoT every single month. Week 1-8/8 There wasn't any update in the first week of this...
My experienceĀ on theĀ Greek Girls CodeĀ profileĀ on Twitter (EN)

AĀ fewĀ daysĀ ago, IĀ hadĀ theĀ pleasureĀ andĀ honorĀ toĀ takeĀ on theĀ Greek Girls CodeĀ profileĀ on Twitter to produce content aimed to inspire girls and young women inĀ GreeceĀ toĀ getĀ involvedĀ inĀ scienceĀ andĀ tech. GreekĀ GirlsĀ CodeĀ isĀ aĀ socialĀ initiativeĀ andĀ enterpriseĀ aimingĀ toĀ supportĀ GreekĀ womenāsĀ activitiesĀ inĀ science,Ā research,Ā andĀ technology. OnĀ theirĀ TwitterĀ profileĀ showcasesĀ GreekĀ womenĀ whoĀ workĀ inĀ techĀ andĀ research,Ā day-to-dayĀ activities, andĀ advice. So, this was a chance for me to share my experience in a Greek school of informatics, in IT volunteering, in finding my first job, and information about the IoT and STEM education.I feel very honored that this community chose me, and I hope I inspired and empowered at least one girl by sharing my own story in the field of technology.Some of...
Getting started with IoT (EN)

Have you ever thought that you want to start dealing with IoT, but you do not know how? If so, this article is for you! First, let me tell you, how the idea for today's article came about. One day,...
IoT 101: What is IoT? (EN)

First, the Internet of Things (IoT) is the communication network of many devices, as well as any object that incorporates electronic means: software, sensors, and network connectivity, to allow data connection and exchange. Simply, the IoT is the connection of...
Hello world! (EN)

This is my first post! I am so excited about this blog, so I hope you like it! :) This blog is about IoT and especially for Azure IoT, Arduino, Raspberry Pi and STEAM education. I hope you liked my...